Chinese Class Reading Materials: 狼和七只小山羊 the wolf and seven little goats

By Ling-Ling Lisa Shih

The post includes the following:

  • Videos for “狼和七只小山羊” (the wolf and seven little goats in Chinese) in Chinese.
  • A script modified for my 10th graders’ Chinese Class. (Suitable for  students who have taken at least one year of Chinese.)
  • A Vocabulary List for the story
  • Script in Chinese Character and Pinyin and Vocabulary Worksheets.


[In Simplified Chinese Characters]

狼和七只小山羊 the wolf and seven little goats

Adadpted by Ling-Ling Shih施玲玲改

Downloadable Script:

TAG:格林童 儿童文学 经典名著 外国文学名著

(1)从前有只老山羊。它生了七只小山羊。它像所有母亲爱孩子一样爱它们。一天,它要到森林里去找东西给它的小山羊吃,便把七个孩子都叫过来,对它们说:“亲爱的孩子们,我要到森林里去找食物给你们吃,你们一定要听话,要乖乖在家,要小心,不要让狼进来家里。要是让狼进来,它会把你们都通通吃掉的 。这个坏蛋常常把自己化装成别的样子,但是,你们只要一听到他那粗哑的声音、一看到它那 黑黑的爪子,就能认出它来。”小山羊们说:“好妈妈,我们会小心的。你去吧,不用担心。”老山羊咩咩地叫了几声,便放心地去了。

(2)没过多久,有人敲门,大声说:“开门哪,我的好孩子。你们的妈妈回来了,还给 你们每个人带来了一点东西。”可是,小山羊们一听到粗哑的声音,就知道是狼来了。

(3)“我 们不开门,”它们大声说,“你不是我们的妈妈。我们的妈妈说话时声音很好听,但是你的声音非常粗哑,你怎么会是我们的妈妈!你是狼!”于是,狼跑到商店那里,买了一大瓶蜂蜜,喝了下去,结果声音变得好听一点了。然后它又回来敲山羊家的门,大叫:“开门哪,我的好孩子。你们的妈妈回 来了,给你们每个人都带了点东西。”可是小山羊们从窗户看到了狼的黑 爪子便一起叫道:“我们不开门。我们的妈妈没有你这样的黑爪子。你是狼!”于是狼跑到 面包师那里,对他说:“我的脚受了点伤,给我用面团揉一揉。”等面包师用面团给它揉过以后,狼又跑到磨坊主那里,对他说:“在我的脚上洒点白面粉。”磨坊主想:“狼肯定是 想去骗什么人”,便不帮它的忙。可是狼说:“如果你不给我洒面粉的话,我就把你吃掉。”磨坊主害怕了,只好洒了点面粉,帮狼把它的爪子弄成了白色。

(4) 这个坏蛋第三次跑到山羊家,一边敲门一边说:“开门哪,孩子们。你们的好妈妈回来 了,还从森林里给你们每个人带回来一些东西。”小山羊们叫道:“你先把脚给我们看看, 这样我们才能知道你是不是我们的妈妈。”狼把它的爪子给他们看,小山羊们从窗口看到爪子是白的,便相信它说的是真话,打开了大门,让它进来。小山羊看到进来的竟然是一只狼,都吓坏了,一个个都想躲起来。第 一只小山羊跳到了桌子下,第二只钻进了被子,第三只躲到了烤箱里,第四只躲到地下室去, 第五只躲在电视后面,第六只爬进洗衣机里,第七只躲到了冰箱里。狼把它们一个个都找了出 来,很不客气地把它们都吞进了肚子。只有躲在烤箱里的那只最小的山羊没有被狼发现。


(6)没过多久,老山羊从森林里回来了。啊!它看到大门开着,桌子、椅 子倒在地上,家里的东西到处都是。它到处找它的孩子,可哪里也找不到。它一个个地叫它们的名字,可是没有一个出来回应它。最后,它叫到最小的山羊 的名字时,一个小小的声音回答:“好妈妈,我在烤箱里。”小山羊从烤箱里跳了出来,它告 诉妈妈狼来过了,把哥哥姐姐们都吃掉了。大家可以想像出老山羊失去孩子后哭得多么 伤心! 老山羊最后伤心地哭着走了出去,最小的山羊也跟着跑了出去。当它们来到草地上时, 狼还躺在大树下睡觉。老山羊看到那个坏东西的肚子里有什么东西在儿那儿动来动去。

(7)“天哪,”它说,“我的可怜的孩子被狼吃到肚子里,现在它们可能还活着呢!”它就叫最小的山羊回家去把剪刀拿来给它。老山羊剪开狼的肚子,剪了第一刀,一只小羊就从狼的肚子里跳了出来。它再剪下去,六只小羊一个个 都跳了出来,全都活着,而且一点也没有受伤,因为那贪吃的坏蛋把它们整个吞下去的。

(8)这是多么令人开心的事啊!它们很高兴地回到妈妈的身边,开始跳起舞来了, 可 是羊妈妈说:“先别跳舞,你们快去找些大石头来。我们得趁这坏蛋还在睡觉的时候,把石头装到它的肚子里 去。”七只小山羊飞快地找了很多石头来,帮山羊妈妈把石头塞到狼的肚子里;然后山羊妈妈飞快地用针线缝好狼的肚皮,狼却睡得很好,一点也不知道怎么回事。


(10)可是它一起来,肚子里的石头便发出声音来。它叫道: “是什么东西在我的肚子里?我昨天吃了六只小羊, 可怎么觉得像是石头呢?”


Downloadable Documents:


Vocabulary for 狼和七只小羊 Part 1_Script:

ID Chinese Trad. Pinyin English Definition
1 从前 從前 cóngqián previously; formerly; once upon a time
2 zhī classifier for birds and certain animals, one of a pair, some utensils, vessels etc
3 山羊 shānyáng goat
4 it
5 shēng to be born; to give birth; life; raw; uncooked;
6 xiàng to resemble; to be like; to look as if; such as; appearance; image; portrait;
7 所有 suǒ yǒu all
8 母亲 母親 qīn mother
9 ài to love; affection; to be fond of; to like
10 孩子 hái zi child
11 一样 一樣 yàng same; like; equal to; the same as; just like
12 yào to want; to ask for; will; going to (as future auxiliary)
13 dào to (a place); until (a time); up to; to go; to arrive
14 森林 sēn lín forest; Classifiers:
15 裏, 裡 inside; internal
16 to go; to go to (a place);
17 zhǎo  to find; to look for; to seek; to give change
18 东西 東西 dōng thing; east and west
19 gěi to; for; for the benefit of; to give
20 chī to eat; to consume
21 便 biàn plain; informal; suitable; convenient; equivalent to : then; in that case; even if; soon afterwards
22 to hold; to contain; to grasp; to take hold of; handle; particle marking the following noun as a direct object; classifier for objects with handle; classifier for small objects: handful
23 dōu all; both; entirely; (used for emphasis)
24 jiào to shout; to call; to order; to ask; to be called;
25 过来 過來 guò lái to come over
26 duì towards; at; for; to face;  to answer; to reply
27 shuō to speak; to say
28 亲爱 親愛 qīn ài dear; beloved; darling
29 食物 shí food; Classifiers:
30 一定 dìng surely; certainly; necessarily; must
31 听话 聽話 tīng huà to do what one is told; obedient
32 guāi (of a child) obedient, well-behaved
33 zài (located) at; (to be) in
34 jiā  home; family
35 小心 xiǎo xīn to be careful
36 不要 yào don’t; must not
37 ràng to yield; to permit; to let sb do sth
38 láng wolf; Classifiers:
39 进来 進來 jìn lái to come in
40 要是 yào shi if
41 huì can; to be possible; to be able to; will; to be likely to:
42 通通 tōngtōng all; entirely; completely
43 diào to fall; to drop; to lose; to go missing; to reduce; fall (in prices); to lose (value, weight etc); to wag; to swing; to turn; to change;(used after certain verbs to express completion, fulfillment, removal etc)
44 坏蛋 壞蛋 huàidàn bad egg; scoundrel; bastard
45 常常 chángcháng frequently; usually; often
46 自己 oneself; one’s own
47 化装 化裝 huàzhuāng (of actors) to make up; to disguise oneself
48 chéng  to succeed; to finish; to complete; to accomplish; to become; to turn into
49 别的 別的 bié de else; other
50 样子 樣子 yàng zi appearance; manner; pattern; model
ID Chinese Trad. Pinyin English Definition
51 但是 dàn shì but; however
52 只要 zhǐ yào if; only; so long as
53 粗哑 粗啞 husky; hoarse; raucous
54 de of; ~’s (possessive particle); (used after an attribute)
55 声音 聲音 shēngyīn voice; sound; Classifiers:
56 hēi black; dark
57 爪子 zhuǎ zi (animal’s) claw
58 认出 認出 rèn chū to recognize
59 不用 yòng need not
60 担心 擔心 dān xīn anxious; worried; uneasy; to worry; to be anxious
61 miē the bleating of sheep
62 de -ly; structural particle: used before a verb or adjective, linking it to preceding modifying adverbial adjunct
63 shēng sound; voice; tone; noise; classifier for sounds
64 放心 fàng xīn to feel relieved; to feel reassured; to be at ease
65 méi (negative prefix for verbs); have not; not
66 guò cross; to go over; to pass (time); to celebrate (a holiday); to live; to get along;
67 多久 duō jiǔ how long?
68 敲门 敲門 qiāomén to knock on a door
69 大声 大聲 shēng loud voice; in a loud voice; loudly
70 开门 開門 kāi mén to open a door (lit. and fig.); to open for business
71 回来 回來 huí lai to return; to come back
72 hái still; still in progress; still more; yet; even more; in addition; fairly;  also; else
73 měi each; every
74 个人 個人 rén individual; personal; oneself

每个人:mei3 ge ren2 –everyone

75 dài  1. to bring; 2. to look after; to raise (带小孩)
76 一点 一點 diǎn a bit; a little; one dot; one point
77 可是 shì but; however
78 知道 zhī dào to know; to become aware of;
79 说话 說話 shuōhuà to speak; to say; to talk; to gossip; to tell stories; talk; word
80 好听 好聽 hǎo tīng pleasant to hear
81 于是 於是 shì thereupon; as a result; consequently; thus; hence
82 pǎo to run
83 商店 shāngdiàn store; shop; Classifiers:
84 那里 那裏, 那裡 li  there; that place
85 mǎi to buy
86 píng classifier for wine and liquids
87 蜂蜜 fēng honey
88 to drink
89 结果 結果 jiē guǒ o bear fruit; consequently, consequence; result;  Classifiers:
90 变得 變得 biàn de to become
91 然后 然後 rán hòu after; then (afterwards); after that; afterwards
92 yòu (once) again; also; both… and…; and yet; (used for emphasis) anyway
93 cōng from
94 窗户 窗戶 chuānghu window; Classifiers:
95 面包 麵包 miànbāo bread; Classifiers:
96 shī  teacher; master; expert
97 jiǎo foot; leg (of an animal or an object); Classifiers: ; classifier for kicks
98 受伤 受傷 shòushāng to be injured; to get hurt; to sustain injuries; wounded (in an accident etc); harmed
99 面团 麵糰, 麵團 miàntuán dough; dough
100 róu to knead; to massage; to rub
ID Chinese Trad. Pinyin English Definition
ID Chinese Trad. Pinyin English Definition
101 以后 以後 hòu after; later; afterwards; following; later on; in the future
102 磨坊 fáng mill
103 zhǔ owner; master; host; God; Lord
104 to sprinkle; to spray; to spill; to shed
105 bái white
106 xiǎng to think; to believe; to wish; to want; to miss (feel wistful about the absence of sb or sth)
107 肯定 kěndìng to be sure; to be certain; sure; certain; definitely
108 piàn to cheat; to swindle; to deceive
109 帮忙 幫忙 bāngmáng to help
110 如果 guǒ if; in case; in the event that
111 huà dialect; language; spoken words; speech; talk; words; conversation; what sb said; Classifiers: ; old variant of
112 害怕 hài to be afraid; to be scared
113 只好 zhǐ hǎo without any better option; to have to; to be forced to
114 nòng to do; to manage; to handle;to fix
115 白色 bái white
116 第三次 sān third; third time
117 一边 一邊 biān one side; either side; on the one hand; on the other hand; doing while
118 xiān early; prior; former; in advance; first
119 相信 xiāngxìn to be convinced (that sth is true); to believe; to accept sth as true
120 zhēn really; truly; indeed; real; true; genuine
121 打开 打開 kāi to open; to turn on; to switch on
122 大门 大門 mén entrance; door; gate;
123 竟然 jìng rán unexpectedly; to one’s surprise
124 吓坏 嚇壞 xià huài to be really frightened
125 duǒ to hide; to dodge; to avoid
126 桌子 zhuō zi table; desk; Classifiers:
127 钻进 鑽進 zuān jìn to get into; to dig into (studies, job etc); to squeeze into
128 被子 bèi zi quilt; Classifiers:
129 烤箱 kǎoxiāng oven
130 地下室 xiàshì basement; cellar
131 电视 電視 diàn shì television; TV; Classifiers:
132 后面 後面 hòumian rear; back; behind; later; afterwards
133 to crawl; to climb; to get up or sit up
134 jìn to go forward; to advance; to go in; to enter; to put in
135 洗衣机 洗衣機 washer; washing machine; Classifiers:
136 that; those; then (in that case); commonly pr. before a classifier, esp. in Beijing
137 最小 zuì xiǎo least; smallest
138 shān mountain; hill; Classifiers:
139 bèi by; (indicates passive-voice clauses)
140 发现 發現 xiàn to find; to discover

Vocabulary for 狼和七只小羊 Part 2_Script in Pinyin and Simplified Chinese (PDF):

ID Chinese Trad. Pinyin English Definition
ID Chinese Trad. Pinyin English Definition
1 bǎo to be full (from eating); satisfied
2 高兴 高興 gāoxìng happy; glad; in a cheerful mood
3 离开 離開 kāi to depart; to leave
4 绿 green
5 草地 cǎo lawn; meadow; sod; turf; Classifiers:
6 classifier for trees, cabbages, plants etc
7 shù tree; Classifiers:
8 tǎng to recline; to lie down
9 身子 shēn zi body; health
10 开始 開始 kāi shǐ to begin; beginning; to start; initial; Classifiers:
11 呼呼 (onom.) sound of the wind or the breathing of sb who is sound asleep
12 shuì to sleep; to lie down
13 起来 起來 lai to stand up; to get up
14 多久 duō jiǔ how long?
15 桌子 zhuō zi table; desk; Classifiers:
16 椅子 zi chair; Classifiers:
17 倒地 dǎo to fall to the ground
18 shàng on top; upon; above; upper; previous; first (of multiple parts); to climb; to get onto; to go up; to attend (class or university)
19 到处 到處 dào chù everywhere
20 哪里 哪裏, 哪裡 where?
21 名字 míng zi name (of a person or thing); Classifiers:
22 出来 出來 chū lái to come out
23 回应 回應 huí yìng to respond; response
24 最后 最後 zuì hòu final; last; finally; ultimate
25 zuì  most; the most; -est (superlative suffix)
26 声音 聲音 shēngyīn voice; sound; Classifiers:
27 回答 huí to reply; to answer; the answer; Classifiers:
28 告诉 告訴 gào su to tell; to inform; to let know
29 哥哥 ge older brother; Classifiers:
30 姐姐 jiě jie older sister; Classifiers:
31 吃掉 chī diào to eat up; to consume
32 大家 jiā everyone
33 可以 can; may
34 想像 xiǎngxiàng to imagine; to conceive of; to visualize; imagination
35 失去 shī to lose
36 孩子 hái zi child
37 to cry; to weep
38 多么 多麼 duō me how (wonderful etc); what (a great idea etc);  (in interrogative sentences) how (much etc); to what extent
39 伤心 傷心 shāngxīn to grieve; to be broken-hearted; to feel deeply hurt
40 gēn heel; to follow closely; to go with; to; towards; and (joining two nouns)
41 dāng  to be; to act as; when; during
42 睡觉 睡覺 shuìjiào to go to bed; to sleep
43 huài bad; spoiled; broken
44 肚子 zi belly; abdomen; stomach; Classifiers:
45 dòng (of sth) to move; abbr. for 动词 , verb
46 lái to come; to arrive
47 to go; to go to (a place); after a verb of motion indicates movement away from the speaker); (used after certain verbs to indicate detachment or separation); (of a time or an event etc) just
48 可怜 可憐 lián pitiful; pathetic; to have pity on
49 现在 現在 xiàn zài now; at present; at the moment; current; nowadays
50 可能 néng might (happen); possible; probable; possibility; probability; maybe; perhaps; Classifiers:
ID Chinese Trad. Pinyin English Definition
ID Chinese Trad. Pinyin English Definition
51 huó to live; alive; living
52 剪刀 jiǎn dāo scissors; Classifiers:
53 liù six; 6
54 quán all; whole; entire
55 而且 ér qiě (not only …) but also; moreover; in addition; furthermore
56 受伤 受傷 shòushāng to sustain injuries; wounded (in an accident etc); harmed
57 因为 因為 yīn wèi because; owing to; on account of
58 贪吃 貪吃 tān chī gluttonous; voracious
59 坏蛋 壞蛋 huàidàn bad egg; scoundrel; bastard
60 整个 整個 zhěng whole; entire; total
61 tūn to swallow; to take
62 令人 lìng rén to cause sb (to do); to make one (feel sth); (used in constructing words for feelings such as anger, surprise, sympathy etc)
63 开心 開心 kāi xīn to feel happy; to rejoice; to have a great time
64 身边 身邊 shēnbiān at one’s side; on hand
65 bié don’t; other; another
66 kuài quickly; quick; soon; almost; to make haste;
67 石头 石頭 shí tou stone; Classifiers:
68 chèn to avail oneself of; to take advantage of
69 zhuāng adornment; to load; to pack; to play a role; to pretend
70 飞快 飛快 fēi kuài very fast; at lightning speed
71 de -ly; structural particle: used before a verb or adjective, linking it to preceding modifying adverbial adjunct
72 to to stuff; to squeeze in; stop up; to cork; stopper
73 然后 然後 rán hòu after; then (afterwards); after that; afterwards
74 针线 針線 zhēnxiàn needle and thread; needlework
75 feng2 to sew; to stitch
76 skin; leather; fur; Classifiers:
77 怎么 怎麼, 怎麽 zěn me how?; what?; why?
78 回事 huí shì 怎么回事(儿)?–What’s going on?
79 起床 chuáng to get out of bed; to get up
80 zhàn station; to stand; to halt; to stop; branch of a company or organization; website
81 河边 河邊 biān river bank
82 to drink; My goodness!
83 shuǐ water; river; liquid
84 口渴 kǒu thirsty
85 to die;  extremely; damned
86 发出 發出 chū to issue (an order, decree etc); to send out; to dispatch; to produce (a sound); to let out (a laugh)
87 xiàng to resemble; to be like; to look as if; such as; appearance; image; portrait; image under a mapping (math.)
88 zhòng heavy; serious; to attach importance to
89 淹死 yān to drown
90 拍手 pāishǒu to clap one’s hands
91 大声 大聲 shēng loud voice; in a loud voice; loudly
92 jiào to shout; to call; to order; to be called
93 dào direction; way; road;to say; to speak; to talk
94 从此 從此 cóng from now on; since then; henceforth
95 guò to pass (time); to celebrate (a holiday); to live; to get along
96 zhe aspect particle indicating action in progress
97 平平安安 píngpíng ĀnĀn peaceful
99 日子 zi day; a (calendar) date; days of one’s life
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