Take Notes from these Video Resources: Visiting a Friend (Video Resources for Integrated Chinese L5D2)

I am giving you today’s class time to do this assignment and also to continue finishing the rest for the homework.

Watch these videos and jot down words and sentences you have learned from these videos:

Please take good notes from all these videos.  It is 30 points, so I expect a lot of notes from all these videos.

Have fun learning. Remember, every time you learn something that stimulates your brain, your neurons are making complicated connection that makes you smarter! That is called neuronal plasticity. 

“Neuronal plasticity is generally defined as the ability of the brain to change its structure and/or function in response to internal and external constraints or goals (Pascual-Leone, Amedi, Fregni, & Merabet, 2005).”

 1. Videos on the usage of “在”



2. Videos on 给,可以,在哪里


3. Three important words in Chinese

4. The usage of 就 and 才

5.The usage of 了

To Language Teachers: This type of assignments is a very good assignment for students to do. This assignment allows students to watch relevant language videos to master new vocabulary or grammar points. I think it is more effective than showing the videos in class to all students. This assignment allows students to learn at their own pace. It allows them to watch the videos and pause the video whenever they want to. It allows them topause the video and take their time to jot down important notes and digest what they have learned. You will be amazed at how diligently some students have taken excellent notes from the videos they have watched. It allows each student to learn as much as he or she can absorb.

Here are some great notes taken by my students:

By Michelle
By Michelle
By Michelle
By Michelle
By Naome
By Naome
By Naome
By Naome
By Natasha
By Natasha
By Natasha
By Natasha
By Natasha
By Natasha

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