再 vs. 又 assignment

Learn about the differences between 再 and 又:


Differences between 再 and 又

1. Translate the following sentences.

a He eats Chinese food everyday. Today he ate Chinese food again.

b. She loves singing. She sang in the New Year Celebration (新年晚会)this year. She would like to sing again in the new year celebration next year.

2. Describe one activity you did three days in a row, using the word ‘又” in the second and third sentences.

For instance, 我星期一吃了中国饭。我星期二又吃了中国饭。昨天又吃了中国饭了。

3. Describe something you do now or you did before and you’d like to do it again.

example. 我这个学期学中文。下个学期我想再(继续Jìxù: continue)学中文。