Discovering Chinese Lesson 15 Oral Performance

Lesson 15 Oral Performance: What does he look like?

Simulate a conversation between a police/a detective and an eyewitness. One language partner acts as the detective interviewing an eyewitness who saw the robbers. The detective is interviewing an eyewitness of a robbery.  The detective asks the eyewitness to describe how the robbers look like.  Come up at least 10 questions:

Here are some questions you can ask:

1.  Is the person a man or a woman?

2. Is he/she tall or short?

3. What is this person’s hair length and what color is it?

4. What does he look like (eyes, nose, mouth, ears, etc?)

5. What was he/she wearing that night?

6. What age does he or she look like?

7. Is he alone? Are there another person involved? (他一个人吗?还有什么人吗?

Another few questions could be about another person who was also involved in the crime.

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