By Ling-Ling Lisa Shih
This post contains Chinese Animation. For Chinese children’s stories and world-renowned Children’s stories, please go to: ______________________
Chinese Animation 中文动画卡通片
- 十二生肖闯江湖 01 Kung Fu Masters of the Zodiac: Origins of the Twelve
- 樱桃小丸子 动漫 中文版
- 蜡笔小新 2019 – 【蠟筆小新國語中文版 2019】
- 十二生肖总动员 Kung Fu Masters of the Zodiac
- Chinese Fairy Tales (dubbed in Chinese, with English translation) (59 videos)
- Short Chinese Stories for Kids (102 videos–in Chinese with Chinese subtitles–each only 2 to 3 min.)
- 熊出没 Boonie Bears
- NewTV少儿动漫频道 Animation (with quite a few animation series)
- 华语大动漫频道 | Chinese Cartoon (with quite a few animation series)
- Single Stories | Level 1 | Chinese | By Little Fox
- Single Stories | Level 2 | Chinese | By Little Fox Little
- Single Stories | Level 4 | Chinese | By Little Fox Little Fox Chinese
- Single Stories | Level 5 | Chinese | By Little Fox
- 儿童睡前故事 – 卡通动画 – Chinese Fairy Tales (with English subtitle)
- PeppaPig 粉红猪小妹(小猪佩奇)绝对全集 (182 episodes)
- PeppaPig 粉紅豬小妹 (dubbed in Chinese With English subtitles)
- 中外名人成长故事 (5-6 min. only for each video)
- 格林童话 (grimm’s fairy tales) (75 videos), Scripts: 格林童话在线阅读(全)Read Grimm’s Fairy Tales in Chinese
- 中国经典童话故事 (高清HD) Chinese Classical Fairy Tales | 儿童故事 | 童话故事 | 睡前故事 (89 videos)
- 中国经典童话故事 (Chinese Classic Fairy Tales) (27 videos)
- 中国经典名著故事 (35 videos)
- 经典童话故事 (39 videos)
- 宝宝故事会 (36 videos)
- 彩色童话故事世界 (44 videos)
- 賣香屁
- 中国童话故事 Chinese Fairy Tales (Read on line)
- 中华传统美德故事 The story of Chinese traditional virtues (Cartoons)
- 中华德育故事 (132 videos)
- 《中华传统文化故事·节庆篇》【80集全】 (Cartoons)
- 中華傳統文化故事 八十集全 (Stories of traditional Chinese culture)
- 中國上下五千年 (267 集)卡通片
- 中国儿童文学网: 儿童文学 童话故事 寓言故事 成语故事(The Website on Chinese Children’s Literature Website)
- 《孔子》動畫卡通104集簡體字幕 (Simplified Chinese only)
- 德行天下(中英字幕)
- 德行天下系列
- 德行天下 孝之大舜的故事
- 三字经故事
- 国学启蒙
- 咩娟的歷史教室
- 《孝顺故事》
- 《生活大发现》
- The Race Begins (The Story of Zodiac)
- “Here Comes A Wolf” 狼来了:
- 十二生肖
- 童话故事03十二生肖的故事
- 小羊和狼 儿童故事
- 小豬佩奇 第七季中文版 14-26 精選合集 1小時連續看 Peppa Pig 7 Season 14-26 (With Chinese subtitle)
- 小猪佩奇 第四季 全集合集 | 小猪佩奇受伤了 | 粉红猪小妹|Peppa Pig | 动画
- Three Little Pigs 三只小猪:
- Journey to the West-西游记(xīyóujì)-Cartoon 01 (English subtitles)
Wizard of Oz in Chinese (Version 2)
Wizard of Oz in Chinese (Version 3)
- 小猫钓鱼
- 格林童话 渔夫和金鱼的故事
- 历史传奇故事集 | 儿童故事 | 童话故事 | 睡前故事
- 佛教卡通 (91 videos)
- 佛教卡通01。六祖慧能
- 幼教影片-佛教卡通寓言故事
- 佛陀的一生
- 一禅小和尚 (187 videos–less than 1 min.)
- 六祖坛经 (in Chinese only)
- 认识佛教之幸福美满的教育(1 – 12集)全集
- Jesus : He Lives among Us 救主耶稣
- Animated Stories from the New Testament (in Chinese)
- 兒童性格培養系列 純.正.靜
- 兒童聖經故事 (37 videos)
- 救主耶穌
- 聖經風雲人物
- Testament: The Bible in Animation 圣经风云人物
- Prince of Nile 埃及王子 (Recorded in English, subtitled in Chinese)
- Pinocchio 木偶奇遇记:
- The Little Match Girl 卖火柴的小女孩:
- 青蛙王子
- Cinderella 灰姑娘:
- Sleeping Beauty 睡美人:
- 聪明的乌鸦:
- chameleon 变色龙:
- Monk Yi Xiu 一休和尚:
- 《过年的传说》
- 白雪公主 Snow White (Beginner)
- 小飛俠
- 桃太郎
- Short Cartoons Series: 蜡笔小新 (in Traditional Chinese Characters)
Chinese Idioms 中国成语故事 (in animation):
- 嘟拉成语故事
- 经典成语故事(全系列) | 儿童故事 | 童话故事 | 睡前故事
- 中国成语故事 (Stories behind Chinese Idioms)
- 中国成语故事– 姥姥讲故事 Children Stories in Chinese
- 成语动画廊国语
Animation Movies
- Nian-Story of A Chinese Monster 年 (both English and Chinese)
- 地藏菩薩的故事{HD}The Story of Kshitigarbha Bodhisattva (both in English and Chinese)
- 觀世音普薩的故事{HD} The story of Guna-Shi-Yin Pusa (in both English and Chinese)
- Chinese animation movie 2018, Best Comedy ever (in both English and Chinese)
- 《三只小猪与神灯》 2015 (Chinese Subtitle only)
- 白雪公主与青蛙王子 (No subtitles)
- 格林童話_青蛙王子 (With Traditional Chinese Subtitles)
- 灰姑娘 (with traditional Chinese subtitles)
- 小美人魚
- 京劇電影 – 霸王別姬3D 史依弘, 尚長榮
- 释迦牟尼佛传《全集》(in Chinese)
- 释迦摩尼的故事 (in Chinese)
- 全职法师 第一季 (in Chinese)
- 长江七号动画版 (in Chinese only)
- 魔法阿妈 (in both English and Chinese)
- 钟馗传奇之岁寒三友
- 一禪小和尚
- 聰明的一休之反鬥公主 (in both English and Chinese)
- Chinese animation movie 2018, Best Comedy ever (in both English and Chinese)
- Butterfly Lovers 梁山伯与祝英台 (With English Subtitles)
- Confucius/Kung Tze _ Motion Picture