Tang Poetry: 唐诗:春晓 Spring Dawn


春晓 Chūn Xiǎo[spring] Spring Dawn


Chūn mián bù jué xiǎo, unaware of the dawn breaks

处处闻啼鸟。chùchù wén tíniǎo.

Until I heard the birds chirping everywhere.

夜来风雨声,Yè lái fēngyǔ shēng,

Last night came with the sound of wind and rain;

花落知多少。Huā luò zhī duōshǎo.

I wonder how many flowers have fallen?

This poem’s vocabulary list in ArchChinese.com

Vocabulary 生词:

[ chūn ] spring (time)

mián ] to close eyesto sleepto hibernate


[ bùjué ] unconsciously; unaware

[ xiǎo ] dawn, daybreak, to know, to let somebody know, to make explicit


[ chùchù ] everywhere

[ wén ] to hear, to smell

[ ] to cry, to weep aloud, to crow, to hoot

[ niǎo ] bird

[ ] night, dark, in night, by night

[ lái ] to come, to arrive


[ fēngyǔ ] wind and rain

[ shēng ] sound, voice, tone, music, noise, classifier for sounds

[ huā ] flower, blossom

[ luò] to fall, to drop

[ zhī ] to know, to be aware


[ duōshao ] how much, how many


1.春晓:春天的早晨。spring morning
3.不觉晓:不知不觉地天亮了。unaware of the daybreak
4.闻:听。to hear
5.闻啼鸟:听见鸟叫。to hear the birds chirping

More Resources:

Spring Dawn Chinese Calligraphy Print

春眠 Spring Dawn in both English and Chinese and in song

春晓 (Chun Xiao) – Chinese Children’s Songs – China – Mama Lisa’s World春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。全诗意思及赏析 – 古文学习网

孟浩然《春晓》“春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟”全诗翻译赏析 – 唐诗宋词

春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。 – 古诗词名句
