Discovering Chinese Lesson 9 Oral Performance: Ask about where things are or what do you have in…

Please ask each other the following questions. The person being asked should not look at the questions. Take turn to be the one who asks the questions. Both need to know how to translate these questions, if asked.
please write down these questions and write down your own answers to these questions in Chinese characters. Both participants need to write down the questions and answers and submit it to me when you perform this in front of me.

1. 这是谁的教室?

2. 这是哪个学校的教室?

3. 白板在哪里?

4. 你的书包在哪里?

5. 你的书包里有什么?

6. 白板前面有什么?

7. 书桌上面有什么?

8. 你的手机在哪里?

9. 教室里有几张桌子,几把椅子 

(张 zhang 1st tone is a measure word for table and 把 ba 3rd tone is the measure word for chair)

10. 你的书包在桌子下面吗?

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