Chinese Projects for Colors:

Poster Projects for colors in Chinese and color poem in Chinese

Here are two assignments I have created  to teach about colors in Chinese. If you are learning Chinese, use these assignments to learn about colors in Chinese and use them to post on your wall to remind what you have learned.

  1. Poster Project: 50 points

Create a poster for colors—Be creative and create a poster for at least 9 basic colors in Chinese language for our classroom. The best two or three posters  will be selected and posted on the walls of our classroom. This poster should include the following:

  • Graphic demonstration of different colors (at least 9 different basic colors). Be creative how you present the colors. Include:
    • Graphic image of each color
    • Chinese Vocabulary and pinyin for each color :
    • Example 1: Image result for colors in chinese

Ex 2 (but for your poster  please add the Pinyin on the bottom for each color.)

Image result for colors in chinese

Due date: This is due on Tuesday after coming back from the Spring break.

  1. Poster for a Color Poem 50%:

Use this color poem template to create a Color poem in Chinese:

颜色诗Color Poem Template

(selected color) is …. (选的颜色)是。。。

(selected color) is …. (选一个颜色)是。。。

(selected color) is …. (选一个颜色)是。。。

(selected color) is …. (选一个颜色)是。。。

(selected color) tastes like …. (选一个颜色)吃起来像。。。

(selected color) smells like …. (选一个颜色)闻起来像。。。

(selected color) sounds like …. (选一个颜色)听起来像。。。

(selected color) feels like …. (选一个颜色)感觉像。。。

(selected color) looks like …. (选一个颜色)看起来像。。。

(selected color) makes me feel…. (选一个颜色)让我觉得。。。

(selected color) is …. (选一个颜色)是。。。

Vocabualry for the words used in this template:

选xuǎn: to select/闻 wén: to smell/ 感觉 gǎnjué: to feel/像 xiàng: (be) like…/ 让ràng:  to let, make

Due:  Thursday, April 4th

Get ready to read out loud in front of the class.

The English Templet for this color poem is drawn from

Related Resources:

Chinese Lesson on Colors 颜色歌Yanse Ge/彩虹歌 Caihong Ge

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